Our statement on Xinjiang, China

Stitch Fix is committed to ethical and responsible sourcing. As detailed in our Vendor Code of Conduct, we take human rights and labor issues seriously, and have a zero tolerance policy for forced labor in our supply chain. 

We prohibit all our suppliers from using forced labor in the production or sourcing of Stitch Fix products. All employment used in the production of our products must be voluntary and not performed under threat of penalty or coercion.

The reports of forced labor and human rights abuses against Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, China are deeply concerning. We will continue to conduct diligence to prevent, identify, and eliminate forced labor risk in our supply chain, including those related to Xinjiang. We are also committed to working with our industry partners, such as the American Apparel & Footwear Association, to understand and help address this global human rights issue.