Vendor Code of Conduct

Transparency and Integrity.

Vendors must be open and honest with us about all factories that produce our goods. Factories must provide Stitch Fix and designated third-party representatives access to workers, accurate and complete records and factory work areas, when requested, with or without advance notice. Vendors and factories are expected to create cultures where breaches of integrity are not tolerated. They must not engage in bribery through payment or providing anything of value to any person for the purpose of securing an improper advantage for themselves or Stitch Fix.

Compliance with Laws.

Vendors must comply with all applicable international, national and local laws and regulations, including those pertaining to employment, health and safety, manufacturing and distribution of merchandise and protection of the environment. Where there are discrepancies between this Code and any applicable laws, the provision that provides the most protection to workers or the environment must be followed.

Minimum Working Age.

Vendors may not employ workers under the age of 15 or younger than the age for completion of compulsory education, whichever is higher. No work that may jeopardize health or safety is to be performed by workers under the age of 18.

Forced Labor, Slavery and Human Trafficking.

Vendors shall not use forced labor, including prison labor, indentured labor, trafficked labor or any other forms of forced labor. All employment must be voluntary and not performed under threat of penalty or coercion.

Foreign Migrant Workers.

All workers, both foreign and national, must be treated equally, and will not be required to pay fees or commissions to agencies or the factory in exchange for employment. Fees include, but are not limited to: recruitment fees, eligibility fees, medical examinations (if they are mandatory) and travel costs.

Employees shall not be required to turn over their original identity papers (such as passports, travel or residency permits, national IDs or school certificates) to their employer, labor agent or another party as a condition of employment, nor shall they be required to make “deposits” to gain access to their documents. All workers shall be given a secure place to store their personal documents.

For migrant workers, the terms outlined in the employee’s written employment contract must be fully explained prior to the employee’s departure from their home country, with adequate time for review. The explanation should be accurate, complete and in terms the employee would understand. This includes, but is not limited to, conditions of employment, reasons for termination, paid holiday and/or leave time in line with local laws.

Non-Discriminatory Hiring and Promotion Practices.

Vendors shall base all terms and conditions of employment on an individual’s ability to perform the job and shall not discriminate in hiring and employment practices (including salary, benefits, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement) on the basis of personal characteristics or beliefs, including, but not limited to: race, religion, age, nationality, social or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, perceived or actual medical condition, pregnancy, marital status, membership in worker organizations, political opinion or disability.

Coercion and Harassment.

Vendors must treat all workers with dignity and respect. No employee shall be subject to corporal punishment, threats of withholding wage payments, threats of violence or other forms of physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment, abuse or bullying.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining.

Vendors shall recognize and respect the right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted under law, the supplier must allow the development of parallel means for independent and free association and bargaining.

Working Hours.

Vendors shall not require workers to work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country where the workers are employed. The regular work week shall not exceed 48 hours, regardless of location.

Employers shall allow workers at least 24 consecutive hours of rest in every seven-day period. All overtime work shall be consensual. Employers shall not request overtime on a regular basis and shall compensate all overtime work at a premium rate. Other than in exceptional circumstances, the sum of regular and overtime hours in a week shall not exceed 60 hours.

Wages and Benefits.

Vendors will, at a minimum, comply with all applicable wage laws and regulations, including those relating to minimum and overtime wages. Piece rate wages and other elements of compensation must be equal to or greater than legally mandated wage rates for hours worked. Stitch Fix vendors and their factories must also provide all legally mandated benefits.

Health and Safety.

Vendors will provide workers with a safe and healthy workplace setting to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, linked with or occurring in the course of work or as a result of the operation of vendor’s or factory’s facilities. Where factories provide or introduce worker housing, they will also ensure that the same basic standards of hygiene and safety are applied in any residential facilities they directly or indirectly provide.

Protection of the Environment.

Vendors must adhere to all applicable environmental laws, regulations and other requirements in the jurisdiction in which they operate and should strive to meet industry-wide best practices, including permits and laws relating to air emissions, solid and hazardous waste and water discharge. Stitch Fix vendors and their factories are encouraged to adopt systems to minimize the negative impact of their operations on the environment.


Vendors must provide full transparency into the factories that produce our goods. Private label vendors must disclose factory names and addresses to Stitch Fix. We do not tolerate unauthorized subcontracting of production of our orders in undisclosed and unapproved factories.